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Sign digitally.
Protect the climate.
Save costs.

We calculate the resources you save with Europe's No. 1 e-signature solution.


Reduce paper-based processes & material costs

Optimize your business processes and protect the environment by using less paper and materials.

Avoid unnecessary meetings, business trips and mail routes

Increase productivity and efficiency. Save yourself unnecessary trips.

Reduce logistics and personnel costs

Lower your costs by reducing logistics, archiving and personnel costs.

Calculate the ecological and economic impact of the e-signature in your company.

Analog contract processes mean paper and printing costs, personnel costs, superfluous appointments & travel. Resources are measurably wasted both economically and ecologically. Evaluate the potential of your use case yourself in 3 minutes.


Companies in the energy sector with the highest standards of security and compliance are increasingly relying on digital contract processes.

The role of the e-signature in sustainability reporting (CSRD)

Since 2024, companies above a certain size have been obliged to document their sustainability efforts transparently in the CSR report. The e-signature makes a significant contribution to this.

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"Paper is too slow for us"

Michael Knoblich | Director IT, W&H Dentalwerke

"In our highly dynamic environment, we cannot afford to slow down production with manual process steps. The digital signature is an essential part of our entire production chain."

The all-in-one e-signature.Made in Europe for Europe.

Easiest start without setup

Ready for immediate use without an IT project.

Sign from anywhere with your laptop or smartphone.

Save measurable time from the first signature.

Sign documents in seconds

Sign and file documents with just a few clicks.

Legally sign countless documents at the same time.

All important contracts secured & managed in one place.

The best all-in-one signature workflow

Obtain signatures in a flash and check signature progress

Define signature positions, sequences and roles

Save time thanks to template and form function

Tailor-made for Europe

Advanced or qualified signing (highest signature standards)

Obtain legally valid signatures without limits thanks to eID interface

Validate signatures directly in the platform

100% legally valid & GDPR-compliant

All servers hosted in the EU. Guaranteed without third country reference

eIDAS and FDA certified

Download your own test report for each document

Convince through individualization & branding

Uniform design for signatures for the entire team

Placement of the company logo in your signature

Customizable signature profiles and company certificates

Innovative solutions for a sustainable future: the partnership between sproof sign and Energie AG Oberösterreich

Energie AG Oberösterreich chooses sproof sign as its trust service for digital signatures.
Read article
Rely on European tools. Digitize sustainably.

US solutions for digital signatures can never guarantee the secure storage of sensitive data. We specialize in the highest level of data protection and guaranteed legal validity.

sproof sign is the highest-rated provider in the e-signature category on the independent evaluation platform OMR Reviews for Q3 and Q4 2023, as well as Q1 2024.